Development of a vertical pharma

Development of a Vertical Pharma

MdG Consulting

For companies that want to compete with their logistic services in the pharmaceutical logistic market and not have an internal vertical structure to do so, we can support them in building such a structure in all aspects.

We provide our customers with a consultancy service that guides them from the first gap analysis up to having a complete local and global company structure that can correctly manage the pharmaceutical products according to the guidelines.

We integrate in the quality management system all the processes necessary for a correct management of the pharmaceutical product (CAPA systems, management review, change control management, KPI, responsible person, training, procedures and processes, supplier management, implementation of infrastructures etc.)

sviluppo pharma vertical

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    MdG Consulting

    Marco del Giudice
    C.F.: DLGMRC67M25Z112L
    P.IVA : 10873801004
    REA : RM-1260645


    Via Francesco Borromini 28
    00054 Fiumicino (RM)

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