IATA CEIV and GDP Certification

IATA CEIV and GDP Certification

MdG Consulting

Certifications are synonymous of standards and are sometimes necessary in order to enter certain markets or be suppliers of certain industries.

In this context, we offer our customers technical advice, aimed at preparing the entire company structure, to face both, an IATA Pharma Ceiv (Center of Excellence Independent Validators) certification and a GDP (Good Distribution Practices) certification.
We can prepare you throughout the certification process and also support you in resolving any non-conformities you may have found in the pharmaceutical logistics field.

In this way we will support you with a consultant who will greatly shorten the time and will support you with each implementation necessary for certification.


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    MdG Consulting

    Marco del Giudice
    C.F.: DLGMRC67M25Z112L
    P.IVA : 10873801004
    REA : RM-1260645


    Via Francesco Borromini 28
    00054 Fiumicino (RM)


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